Cleaners Innovation

Licensed and Full Insured and Boned.

We take care of your surroundings in addition to cleaning which reflects our dedication to providing top-notch services across the board. We take pleasure in being more than simply a cleaning service; we are a reliable collaborator in transforming SWFL spaces into cleaner, healthier ones.

To ensure that a newly constructed or renovated space is thoroughly cleaned, sanitized, and ready for occupancy or immediate use. This involves removing construction debris, dust, and dirt that accumulate during the construction process, as well as addressing any leftover materials or residues.

The goal is to provide a safe, healthy, and aesthetically pleasing environment for the occupants or clients. Additionally, post-construction cleaning services aim to minimize the time and effort required for final inspections and preparations before the space can be utilized effectively.

Roll-off open top containers provide a convenient and cost-effective solution for waste management and disposal in a wide range of applications, offering flexibility, versatility, and ease of use for contractors, property owners, and businesses alike. Roll-off open top containers are large, rectangular containers commonly used for construction, renovation, demolition, and other projects that generate a significant amount of waste and debris. Here's what you need to know about renting roll-off open top containers: 1. *Container Sizes*: Roll-off containers come in various sizes to accommodate different project needs. Common sizes range from 10 cubic yards for smaller projects to 40 cubic yards for larger projects. Choose a container size based on the volume of waste and debris you expect to generate. 2. *Rental Duration*: Determine how long you'll need the roll-off container for your project. Rental durations typically range from a few days to several weeks, depending on the project's timeline. Some rental companies offer flexible rental periods to accommodate your schedule. 3. *Permit Requirements*: Check local regulations and permit requirements for placing a roll-off container on your property or a public right-of-way. In some areas, you may need a permit from the city or municipality to place a container on the street or sidewalk. 4. *Placement Location*: Decide where you want the roll-off container to be placed on your property. Choose a flat, stable surface that can support the weight of the container, such as a driveway, parking lot, or construction site. Ensure there is enough clearance for the delivery truck to drop off and pick up the container. 5. *Loading Restrictions*: Be aware of any loading restrictions or prohibited items when filling the roll-off container. Certain materials, such as hazardous waste, flammable materials, and liquids, may not be allowed in the container. Check with the rental company for a list of accepted and prohibited items. 6. *Delivery and Pickup*: Coordinate the delivery and pickup of the roll-off container with the rental company. Schedule the delivery date and time in advance, ensuring that someone is available to accept the container. Similarly, schedule the pickup date and time when the container is full or at the end of the rental period. 7. *Cost and Fees*: Inquire about the rental cost, fees, and payment terms associated with renting a roll-off container. Rental fees may vary based on the container size, rental duration, delivery location, and additional services, such as overage fees for exceeding weight limits or rental periods. 8. *Insurance Coverage*: Check if the rental company provides insurance coverage for the roll-off container while it's on your property. If not, consider obtaining liability insurance or adding the container to your existing insurance policy to protect against potential damages or liabilities. 9. *Customer Support*: Choose a reputable rental company that offers excellent customer support and responsiveness. Look for a company with a track record of reliable service, prompt delivery and pickup, and clear communication throughout the rental process. 10. *Review Rental Agreement*: Before finalizing the rental, review the rental agreement carefully to understand the terms and conditions, including cancellation policies, liability waivers, and any additional charges or fees. Ask questions if anything is unclear before signing the agreement. By following these steps and working with a reputable rental company, you can rent a roll-off open top container efficiently and effectively for your project's waste disposal needs.

The team responsible for post-construction cleaning requires a diverse set of skills to effectively and efficiently clean construction sites. Here are essential skills each team member should possess:

1. Attention to Detail: Paying close attention to detail is crucial for identifying and addressing all areas that require cleaning, including hard-to-reach spots, corners, and crevices.

2. Time Management: Being able to manage time effectively and prioritize tasks is essential for completing cleaning projects within deadlines and ensuring efficient use of resources.

3. Communication: Strong communication skills are necessary for coordinating tasks, providing updates to team members or clients, and addressing any issues or concerns that arise during the cleaning process.

4. Problem-Solving: The ability to think critically and solve problems on the spot is important for overcoming challenges that may arise during cleaning, such as stubborn stains or equipment malfunctions.

5. Physical Stamina: Post-construction cleaning can be physically demanding, requiring team members to stand for extended periods, lift heavy objects, and perform repetitive tasks. Good physical stamina and endurance are essential.

6. Safety Awareness: Prioritizing safety and following proper safety protocols is crucial to prevent accidents or injuries while working in potentially hazardous environments.

7. Knowledge of Cleaning Techniques: Understanding various cleaning techniques and knowing when to apply them, such as mopping, scrubbing, or vacuuming, is important for achieving optimal cleaning results.

8. Familiarity with Cleaning Products: Knowing how to use cleaning products safely and effectively, including diluting solutions, applying them to different surfaces, and following manufacturer instructions, is essential.

9. Teamwork: Collaboration and teamwork are key for ensuring that cleaning tasks are divided and completed efficiently, with each team member supporting one another as needed.

10. Customer Service: Providing excellent customer service by being courteous, respectful, and responsive to client needs and preferences is important for building positive relationships and securing repeat business.

11. Our post construction cleaning staff is trained annually with proper cleaning techniques for offices, retail, warehouses, bathrooms, kitchens and multiple common areas. Annual training is required for safety as well as our project work divisions including: pressure washers, carpet cleaners, window cleaners and our floor care specialists.

By possessing these skills and working together effectively as a team, post-construction cleaning crews can deliver high-quality results that meet client expectations and contribute to the overall success of cleaning projects.


Cross-contamination in house cleaning can occur when bacteria, viruses,or other harmful microorganisms are transferred from one surface or area to another,potentially spreading illness or causing contamination.

Our company understand that cross-contamination can happen during house cleaning and we want to prevent it.

1. Using the Same Cloth or Sponge: When cleaning different surfaces or areas of the house, using the same cloth or sponge without properly cleaning or disinfecting it can spread germs. Use separate cloths or sponges for different tasks or areas, and wash them thoroughly between uses.

2. Dirty Cleaning Tools: Reusing dirty cleaning tools, such as mops, brooms, or vacuum cleaner attachments, without cleaning or sanitizing them can spread dirt and germs from one area to another. Clean and disinfect these tools regularly, especially after cleaning heavily soiled areas.

3. Improper Disposal of Cleaning Materials: If cleaning materials, such as used paper towels or disposable wipes, are not disposed of properly, they can spread contaminants to other surfaces or areas of the house. Dispose of used cleaning materials in a lined trash bin, and wash your hands immediately afterward.

4. Not Washing Hands: Failure to wash hands properly before and after cleaning can lead to the transfer of germs between surfaces, as well as to other household members. Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before and after cleaning, especially after handling raw meat, using the bathroom, or coughing/sneezing.

5. Cleaning in the Wrong Order: Cleaning in a haphazard order can spread contaminants around the house. Start cleaning from the cleanest areas and work your way to the dirtiest, using separate cleaning tools and products for each area. For example, clean kitchen countertops before cleaning the bathroom.

6. Using Contaminated Water: Using contaminated water for cleaning, such as water from a mop bucket that has been sitting for too long or water from a dirty sink, can spread germs to surfaces. Use clean water and change it frequently during cleaning tasks.

7. Cleaning Personal Items with Household Cleaning Tools: Using household cleaning tools, such as sponges or cloths, to clean personal items like toothbrushes or dishes can introduce contaminants and lead to illness. Use separate cleaning tools for personal items and household surfaces.

By following proper cleaning procedures and taking steps to prevent cross-contamination, you can ensure that your house cleaning efforts are effective and promote a healthy living environment for you and your family.

Preventing cross-contamination during house cleaning is essential for maintaining a healthy and hygienic living environment. Here are some strategies to help prevent cross-contamination:

1. Use Separate Cleaning Tools: Use separate cleaning cloths, sponges, and mops for different areas of the house, such as the kitchen, bathroom, and living areas. Color-coding or labeling cleaning tools can help ensure they are used for their designated areas only.

2. Clean and Disinfect Cleaning Tools: Regularly clean and disinfect cleaning tools, including mops, sponges, and vacuum cleaner attachments, to prevent the spread of germs.
Allow them to dry thoroughly between uses to prevent bacterial growth.

3. Dispose of Cleaning Materials Properly: Dispose of used cleaning materials, such as paper towels and disposable wipes, in a lined trash bin immediately after use. Avoid leaving them lying around or on surfaces where they can spread contaminants.

4. Wash Hands Frequently: Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before and after cleaning tasks. This helps prevent the transfer of germs from surfaces to hands and vice versa.

5. Use Disposable Gloves: Consider wearing disposable gloves while cleaning, especially when handling potentially contaminated surfaces or materials. Dispose of the gloves after each use and wash your hands thoroughly afterward.

6. Clean in the Correct Order: Clean from the cleanest areas to the dirtiest areas of the house to avoid spreading contaminants. Start with areas like bedrooms and living rooms before moving on to kitchens and bathrooms.

7. Change Cleaning Solutions Regularly: Change cleaning solutions and water frequently during cleaning tasks, especially when tackling heavily soiled areas. This helps prevent the spread of dirt and germs from one surface to another.

8. Sanitize High-Touch Surfaces: Pay special attention to high-touch surfaces, such as doorknobs, light switches, and countertops, when cleaning. Use an appropriate disinfectant to kill germs and reduce the risk of cross-contamination.

9. Clean Personal Items Separately: Avoid using household cleaning tools, such as sponges or cloths, for cleaning personal items like toothbrushes or dishes. Use separate cleaning tools for personal items to prevent cross-contamination.

10. Educate Household Members: Ensure that everyone in the household understands the importance of preventing cross-contamination and follows proper cleaning and hygiene practices.

11. Our team is committed and professionally trained. We go above and beyond in every job to ensure every corner is spotless. Using eco-friendly cleaning products and advanced technologies, we maintain high standards of efficiency and sustainability. We specialize in deep residential cleaning, commercial office cleaning, and post-construction cleaning.

12.Our reliable and stable crews understand your specific house and office cleaning service needs.

13.Our cleaners are insured and bonded, so there is no need to worry about your home, apartment, or office.Specializing in debris removal, construction dust, and paint stain cleaning, we offer a comprehensive service that readies your new space for immediate occupancy. Our detailed post-construction cleaning ensures every surface is hygienic and visually appealing, ready for move-in or grand opening.

By following these preventive measures, you can minimize the risk of cross-contamination during house cleaning and maintain a clean and healthy home environment.

Orientations to allergics:

When performing post-construction cleaning, it’s important to consider potential contraindications for individuals with allergies.

Here we are concerned with some common allergens and we have precautions to take during the cleaning process.

1. Dust: Construction activities can generate a significant amount of dust, which can exacerbate allergies and respiratory conditions. Use high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters in vacuum cleaners and air purifiers to trap dust particles and minimize airborne allergens.

2. Mold and Mildew: Moisture from construction materials or cleaning solutions can promote the growth of mold and mildew, which can trigger allergic reactions. Ensure that all surfaces are thoroughly dried after cleaning to prevent mold growth. Use mold-inhibiting cleaners and inspect hidden areas such as behind walls or under flooring for signs of mold or water damage.

3. Chemical Sensitivities: Some individuals may be sensitive or allergic to certain cleaning products or chemicals used during post-construction cleaning. Choose environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic cleaning solutions whenever possible. Provide adequate ventilation during cleaning to minimize exposure to fumes and odors.

4. Animal Dander: If pets were present during construction or if cleaning personnel have pets, there may be residual animal dander in the environment, which can trigger allergies in sensitive individuals. Take steps to minimize exposure to pet dander by keeping pets away from the cleaning area and using HEPA filters in vacuum cleaners.

5. Pollen and Outdoor Allergens: Open windows and doors during cleaning can allow pollen and outdoor allergens to enter the indoor environment. Consider using air purifiers with HEPA filters and keeping windows and doors closed during cleaning to minimize exposure to outdoor allergens.

6. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Provide cleaning personnel with appropriate PPE, such as gloves, masks, and goggles, to protect them from exposure to allergens and irritants during cleaning. This is especially important for individuals with known allergies or sensitivities.

7. Communication: Communicate with clients and cleaning personnel about any known allergies or sensitivities to ensure that appropriate precautions are taken during the cleaning process. Encourage open communication and feedback to address any concerns or issues related to allergen exposure.

By taking these precautions and considering potential contraindications for allergies during post-construction cleaning, you can create a safer and more comfortable environment for all occupants. Be proactive in identifying and addressing allergens to minimize the risk of allergic reactions and promote better indoor air quality. When communicating with customers who are allergic to certain cleaning products, it’s important to be transparent and proactive in addressing their concerns. Here’s a sample notice you can provide to customers:

Notice to Customers with Allergies to Cleaning Products

Dear Valued Customer,

We strive to provide high-quality cleaning services while ensuring the safety and well-being of all our clients. We understand that some individuals may have allergies or sensitivities to certain cleaning products, and we want to assure you that we take your concerns seriously.

If you or anyone in your household has allergies or sensitivities to specific cleaning products or ingredients, please let us know in advance. We will work closely with you to accommodate your needs and preferences by:

1. Using alternative cleaning products: We offer a range of environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic cleaning solutions that are free from harsh chemicals and irritants. Let us know your preferences, and we will ensure that only suitable products are used in your home.

2. Avoiding specific ingredients: If you have allergies to certain ingredients such as fragrances, dyes, or preservatives, we will make sure to avoid using products that contain these ingredients during our cleaning process.

3. Providing product information: We are happy to provide detailed information about the ingredients and formulations of the cleaning products we use. Feel free to ask for product labels or Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) to review the contents and assess any potential allergens.

4. Taking extra precautions: Our cleaning staff is trained to take extra precautions when working with customeourrs who have allergies. This includes ensuring proper ventilation, using personal protective equipment, and thoroughly rinsing surfaces to remove any residue.

Your health and safety are our top priorities, and we are committed to providing a cleaning experience that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations. If you have any questions or concerns about our cleaning products or processes, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Feel free to customize the notice to reflect the specific practices and policies of your cleaning company. By proactively addressing customers’ concerns about allergies to cleaning products, you can build trust and ensure a positive experience for all clients.

Customers may choose your house cleaning services over the competition for several reasons, including:

1. Quality of Service: Customers appreciate high-quality cleaning services that leave their homes sparkling clean and fresh. If your company consistently delivers excellent results, customers are more likely to choose you over competitors.

2. Reliability and Consistency: Being reliable and consistent in your service delivery builds trust with customers. When they know they can count on you to show up on time and consistently deliver top-notch cleaning, they are more likely to choose your services over others.

3. Professionalism: Professionalism in all aspects of your business, from customer service to cleaning techniques, sets you apart from the competition. Customers value professionalism and are more likely to choose a company that demonstrates it consistently.

4. Customized Cleaning Plans: Offering customized cleaning plans tailored to each customer’s specific needs and preferences can be a significant selling point. Customers appreciate flexibility and personalized service that meets their unique requirements.

5. Competitive Pricing: Offering competitive pricing for your services without compromising on quality can attract

price-conscious customers. Providing transparent pricing and value-added services can also make your offerings more attractive.

. Use of Eco-Friendly Products: Increasingly, customers are concerned about the environmental impact of cleaning products. Offering eco-friendly cleaning solutions demonstrates your commitment to sustainability and may appeal to environmentally conscious customers.

7. Positive Reviews and Testimonials: Positive reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers can be powerful marketing tools.

When potential customers see positive feedback from others, they are more likely to trust your services and choose you over competitors.

8. Convenience and Flexibility: Providing convenient scheduling options and flexible service plans makes it easier for customers to book and use your services. Offering online booking, same-day service, or flexible appointment times can set you apart from competitors.

9. Excellent Customer Service: Exceptional customer service can be a key differentiator for your business. Being responsive to customer inquiries, addressing concerns promptly, and going the extra mile to exceed customer expectations can help you stand out from the competition.

10. Specialized Services or Expertise: If your company offers specialized services or has expertise in specific areas, such as deep cleaning, post-construction cleaning, or pet-friendly cleaning, highlighting these strengths can attract customers with unique needs.

By focusing on these aspects of your business and continuously striving to exceed customer expectations, you can differentiate yourself from the competition and attract more customers to your house cleaning services.

To cancel or reschedule your cleaning services, please let us know at least 72 hours in advance.

These questions can help customers make informed decisions when hiring Xpert House Cleaning Service and ensure they receive the quality cleaning service they expect. In case of doubt call or email

• Why is post-construction cleaning necessary?

-Post-construction cleaning is necessary to ensure that the property is safe, clean, and ready for occupancy. Construction activities can leave behind dust, dirt, and debris that can be unsightly, pose health risks, and affect indoor air quality.

• Has your company Eco Friendly- Environmental responsibility ?

-We use safe and eco-friendly cleaner is non-toxic, all-natural cleaning products that are labeled clean or plant-based include safe ingredients

• What is included in the post-construction cleaning service package?

-Typically includes removal of construction dust and debris, cleaning of floors, walls, windows, and fixtures, and sanitation of bathrooms and kitchens.

• How do you determine the cost of post-construction cleaning services?

- Costs are generally based on the size of the property, the extent of the construction work, and the level of cleaning required.

• Do you provide a detailed estimate or quote before starting the cleaning process?

- Yes, a detailed estimate or quote is usually provided after assessing the property and understanding the scope of work.

• What cleaning products and equipment do you use for post-construction cleaning?

- High-grade cleaning products and equipment, such as industrial vacuums, HEPA filters, and specialized cleaning solutions, are typically used.

• Are your cleaning products environmentally friendly and safe for use around children and pets?

- Many services use eco-friendly and non-toxic cleaning products, but it’s best to confirm this with the service provider.

• Do you have experience cleaning homes after specific types of construction projects (e.g., renovations, remodels, new builds)?

- Most services have experience with various types of construction projects, including renovations, remodels, and new builds.

• Can you provide references or testimonials from past clients who have used your post-construction cleaning services?

- Yes, reputable services can provide references or testimonials from past clients.

• How long will it take to complete the post-construction cleaning of my home?

- The duration depends on the size of the property and the extent of cleaning needed, ranging from a few hours to several days.

• Do you offer any guarantees or warranties for your post-construction cleaning services?

- Some services offer guarantees or warranties for their work. It’s advisable to ask for specific terms.

• Are your cleaning technicians trained and insured?

- Reputable services employ trained and insured technicians to ensure professional and safe cleaning.

• What safety measures do you have in place to protect my property and belongings during cleaning?

- Measures typically include using protective coverings, careful handling of belongings, and adherence to safety protocols.

• Can I customize the cleaning service to meet my specific needs and preferences?

- Yes, many services offer customizable options to tailor the cleaning to your specific needs


• How far in advance do I need to schedule a post-construction cleaning appointment?

- It’s best to schedule as early as possible, typically a few weeks in advance, to ensure availability.

• Do you offer any discounts or promotions for recurring cleaning services?

- Some services offer discounts for recurring appointments or multiple services. Check with the provider for current promotions.

• What is your cancellation policy for post-construction cleaning appointment?

- Policies vary, but most require notice of cancellation within a specific time frame to avoid charges.

• How do you handle any issues or concerns that may arise during or after the cleaning process?

- Issues are usually addressed promptly, with a focus on customer satisfaction. Most services offer follow-up support.

• Are there any additional charges or fees I should be aware of?

- Additional charges may apply for extra services or particularly challenging cleaning tasks. Clarify this in advance.

• Can you provide a checklist of tasks that will be completed during the post-construction cleaning service?

- Many services provide a checklist or scope of work outlining what will be cleaned.

• Will the cleaning service include cleaning of appliances, fixtures, and other areas typically affected by construction dust and debris?

- Yes, appliances, fixtures, and other affected areas are usually included, but confirm specific tasks with the provider.

• How do I pay for the post-construction cleaning service, and what payment methods do you accept?

- Payment methods vary by service provider, including credit cards, checks, or electronic payments. Confirm accepted methods beforehand.

- Payment methods vary by service provider, including credit cards, checks, or electronic payments. Confirm accepted methods beforehand.

• What is included in the post-construction cleaning service package?

- Typically includes removal of construction dust and debris, cleaning of floors, walls, windows, and fixtures, and sanitation of bathrooms and kitchens.

• How do you determine the cost of post-construction cleaning services?

- Costs are generally based on the size of the property, the extent of the construction work, and the level of cleaning required.

• Do you provide a detailed estimate or quote before starting the cleaning process?

- Yes, a detailed estimate or quote is usually provided after assessing the property and understanding the scope of work.

• What cleaning products and equipment do you use for post-construction cleaning?

- High-grade cleaning products and equipment, such as industrial vacuums, HEPA filters, and specialized cleaning solutions, are typically used.

• Are your cleaning products environmentally friendly and safe for use around children and pets?

- Many services use eco-friendly and non-toxic cleaning products, but it’s best to confirm this with the service provider.

• Do you have experience cleaning homes after specific types of construction projects (e.g., renovations, remodels, new builds)?

- Most services have experience with various types of construction projects, including renovations, remodels, and new builds.

• Can you provide references or testimonials from past clients who have used your post-construction cleaning services?

- Yes, reputable services can provide references or testimonials from past clients.

• How long will it take to complete the post-construction cleaning of my home?

- The duration depends on the size of the property and the extent of cleaning needed, ranging from a few hours to several days.

• Do you offer any guarantees or warranties for your post-construction cleaning services?

- Some services offer guarantees or warranties for their work. It’s advisable to ask for specific terms.

• Are your cleaning technicians trained and insured?

- Reputable services employ trained and insured technicians to ensure professional and safe cleaning.

• What safety measures do you have in place to protect my property and belongings during cleaning?

- Measures typically include using protective coverings, careful handling of belongings, and adherence to safety protocols.

• Can I customize the cleaning service to meet my specific needs and preferences?

- Yes, many services offer customizable options to tailor the cleaning to your specific needs.

• How far in advance do I need to schedule a post-construction cleaning appointment?

- It’s best to schedule as early as possible, typically a few weeks in advance, to ensure availability.

• Do you offer any discounts or promotions for recurring cleaning services?

- Some services offer discounts for recurring appointments or multiple services. Check with the provider for current promotions.

• What is your cancellation policy for post-construction cleaning appointments?

- Policies vary, but most require notice of cancellation within a specific time frame to avoid charges.

• How do you handle any issues or concerns that may arise during or after the cleaning process?

- Issues are usually addressed promptly, with a focus on customer satisfaction. Most services offer follow-up support.

• Are there any additional charges or fees I should be aware of?

- Additional charges may apply for extra services or particularly challenging cleaning tasks. Clarify this in advance.

• Can you provide a checklist of tasks that will be completed during the post-construction cleaning service?

- Many services provide a checklist or scope of work outlining what will be cleaned.

• Will the cleaning service include cleaning of appliances, fixtures, and other areas typically affected by construction dust and debris?

- Yes, appliances, fixtures, and other affected areas are usually included, but confirm specific tasks with the provider.

• How do I pay for the post-construction cleaning service, and what payment methods do you accept?

- Payment methods vary by service provider, including credit cards, checks, or electronic payments. Confirm accepted methods beforehand.

• Appliance Cleaning: Will the service include cleaning appliances such as stoves, ovens, refrigerators, and dishwashers? If so, are there any additional charges for this?

- Appliance cleaning is often included, but verify if there are any additional fees.

• Fixture Cleaning: Will light fixtures, ceiling fans, and other fixtures be cleaned? How thoroughly will they be cleaned, and will any disassembly be required?

- Fixture cleaning is usually included; thorough cleaning may involve disassembly. Confirm the level of service with the provider.

• Air Vent Cleaning: Will air vents and ducts be cleaned to remove construction dust and debris? Is this included in the standard service package, or is it an optional add-on?

- Air vent cleaning may be included or offered as an add-on. Confirm its inclusion and any additional costs.

• Baseboard Cleaning: Will baseboards be wiped down and cleaned? Are there any extra charges for cleaning intricate or decorative baseboards?

- Baseboard cleaning is typically included, but intricate or decorative baseboards might incur extra charges.

• Wall Washing: Will walls be washed or spot-cleaned to remove construction residue and marks? If so, is this included in the standard service, or is it an additional service?

- Wall washing or spot-cleaning is often included, but confirm if it’s part of the standard service or an additional option.

• Garage Cleaning: If applicable, will the garage be cleaned, including sweeping, dusting, and removing debris? Is this part of the standard service package, or is it an optional add-on?

- Garage cleaning may be included or available as an add-on. Verify this with the service provider.

• Exterior Cleaning: Will exterior areas such as patios, decks, or balconies be cleaned? If so, what cleaning methods will be used, and is there an additional cost for this service?

- Exterior cleaning is often offered as an additional service. Methods and costs should be confirmed with the provider.

• Final Touch-Ups: Will the cleaning service include any final touch-ups or inspections to ensure that all areas are clean and free of dust and debris? How will any missed spots be addressed?

- Final touch-ups and inspections are commonly included. Missed spots are usually addressed through follow-up service.

• Cleaning Supplies: Are cleaning supplies and equipment provided by the cleaning service, or is it expected that the homeowner provides them? If provided, are they eco-friendly or hypoallergenic?

- Cleaning supplies and equipment are typically provided. Check if they are eco-friendly or hypoallergenic.

• Customization: Can the cleaning service be customized to meet specific needs or preferences?

For example, can certain areas be prioritized, or can certain tasks be omitted or added based on the homeowner’s requirements?

- Yes, most services offer customization to address specific needs or preferences. Discuss your requirements with the provider.

• What if I am not satisfied with my cleaning?

-Your complete satisfaction is very important to us. That is why we offer a 24-hour guarantee. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your home cleaning, just simply give us a call within 24 hours of your cleaning and we will return to re-clean the area you are dissatisfied with, at no cost to you. Please note that refund are not offered without the Re-clean being accepted. Re-clean will only be completed with-in 48- hours window from your date of service otherwise, it will be denied. No refund will be accept if Re-clean is denied.

• Do I need to be home the day of the cleaning?

-Some customers prefer scheduling cleaning appointments while they are at work or away for the day, while others like to be at home during the process. This is up to you. Regardless of your schedule, you are certain to receive superior housekeeping service – guaranteed!

• How can I book your cleaning services?

-Our services can be booked via email, phone or filling out our contact form on our website.

• What payment methods do you accept?

- We accept the following payment methods:

• Do I have to be there when the cleaners arrive?

- No you don't. Most of our clients leave a key out for us or an access code for entry.

• What cities do you serve in South West Florida?

-We proudly provide prompt and professional cleaning services to residents of Fort Myers, , Lehigh Acres, Cape Coral, Naples, and Bonita Springs, Port Charlotte, Fort Myers beach, North Fort Myers, Estero, Bonita Springs, Ave Maria, Sarasota, Venice, Englewood, Punta Gorda, Boca Grande, Everglades.

• What is post-construction cleaning?

- Post-construction cleaning is the process of thoroughly cleaning and preparing a property for occupancy after construction or renovation work has been completed. It involves removing dust, debris, and residues left behind from construction activities.

• Why is post-construction cleaning necessary?

Post-construction cleaning is necessary to ensure that the property is safe, clean, and ready for occupancy. Construction activities can leave behind dust, dirt, and debris that can be unsightly, pose health risks, and affect indoor air quality.

• What is included in post-construction cleaning?

Post-construction cleaning typically includes dusting all surfaces, vacuuming and mopping floors, cleaning windows and fixtures, wiping down countertops and appliances, and removing construction debris. Additional services such as carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning, and exterior cleaning may also be offered.

• How long does post-construction cleaning take?

-The duration of post-construction cleaning depends on factors such as the size of the property, the extent of the construction work, and the level of cleaning required. It can range from a few hours to several days for larger or more complex projects.

• Do I need to be present during post-construction cleaning?

It is not always necessary to be present during post-construction cleaning, but it can be helpful to be available for any questions or concerns that may arise. Some cleaning companies may require access to the property or specific instructions from the homeowner.

• Are post-construction cleaning products safe?

- Most post-construction cleaning products are safe when used as directed. However, it’s important to ensure that cleaning products are eco-friendly, non-toxic, and suitable for use around children and pets, especially if there are allergy concerns.

• How much does post-construction cleaning cost?

- The cost of post-construction cleaning varies depending on factors such as the size of the property, the scope of work, and any additional services requested. It is usually calculated based on factors such as square footage or the number of rooms to be cleaned.

• Can I customize the post-construction cleaning service?

- Yes, many cleaning companies offer customizable post-construction cleaning services to meet the specific needs and preferences of homeowners. This may include prioritizing certain areas, adding or omitting tasks, or accommodating special requests.

• How do I schedule post-construction cleaning?

- To schedule post-construction cleaning, simply contact a reputable cleaning company in your area and discuss your needs and requirements. They will typically arrange a convenient time for the cleaning service and provide an estimate or quote for the work.

• Is post-construction cleaning covered by insurance?

- Post-construction cleaning may be covered by insurance in some cases, especially if it is necessary to address damage or loss caused by construction activities. However, it’s best to check with your insurance provider to determine coverage options.

• Can I clean my property myself after construction?

- While it’s possible to clean your property yourself after construction, professional post-construction cleaning services often have the expertise, equipment, and experience to ensure a thorough and efficient cleaning process.

• How soon after construction can I schedule post-construction cleaning?

- It’s best to wait until all construction work is complete and any dust-generating activities have ceased before scheduling post-construction cleaning. This ensures that the cleaning process is effective and that newly cleaned surfaces remain clean.

• Will post-construction cleaning remove all traces of construction dust and debris?

- Post-construction cleaning aims to remove as much dust, debris, and residues as possible, but it may not eliminate every trace, especially in hard-to-reach areas or porous materials. Regular cleaning and maintenance may be required to keep the property clean over time.

• Do I need to provide cleaning equipment and supplies for post-construction cleaning?

- Most professional cleaning companies provide their own equipment and supplies for post-construction cleaning. However, if you have specific preferences or requirements, you may choose to provide your own cleaning products or equipment.

• Will post-construction cleaning damage newly installed fixtures or finishes?

- Professional cleaning technicians are trained to use appropriate cleaning techniques and products that are safe for newly installed fixtures and finishes. They take care to avoid damage while effectively cleaning surfaces.

• Can post-construction cleaning help improve indoor air quality?

- Yes, post-construction cleaning can significantly improve indoor air quality by removing dust, debris, and allergens left behind from construction activities. This can create a healthier and more comfortable living environment for occupants.

• Are there any precautions I should take before post-construction cleaning?

- Before post-construction cleaning, it’s a good idea to inspect the property for any hazards or safety concerns, such as exposed wires, sharp objects, or unstable structures. Take steps to address these issues before cleaning begins to ensure a safe environment for cleaning technicians.

• How often should I schedule post-construction cleaning for my property?

- The frequency of post-construction cleaning depends on factors such as the frequency of construction activities, the size of the property, and the level of cleaning required. It may be necessary to schedule post-construction cleaning periodically, especially after major construction projects or renovations.

• Can post-construction cleaning help prepare my property for occupancy or move-in?

- Yes, post-construction cleaning is often the final step in preparing a property for occupancy or move-in. It ensures that the space is clean, sanitary, and ready for occupants to enjoy.

• What steps should I take after post-construction cleaning to maintain a clean property?

- To maintain a clean property after post-construction cleaning, establish a regular cleaning routine, address spills and messes promptly, and consider implementing preventive measures such as mats at entryways to reduce tracking of dirt and debris. Regular maintenance will help keep your property looking its best.

• Why to do checklist?

- Checklists are essential in post-construction house cleaning for several reasons:

1. Comprehensive Cleaning: Post-construction cleaning involves multiple tasks and areas that need to be addressed thoroughly. A checklist ensures that no step is overlooked, leading to a more comprehensive cleaning process.

2. Organization: By breaking down the cleaning process into individual tasks, a checklist helps to organize the workflow efficiently. It provides a clear roadmap for cleaning professionals, ensuring that tasks are completed in a systematic manner.

3. Accuracy: With a checklist, cleaning professionals can double-check their work and ensure that every area of the house receives the attention it needs. This helps to maintain high cleaning standards and deliver satisfactory results to clients.

4. Time Management: By outlining specific tasks and time estimates, a checklist helps cleaning professionals manage their time effectively. It allows them to prioritize tasks based on urgency and allocate resources accordingly, leading to greater productivity.

5. Communication: A checklist serves as a communication tool between cleaning professionals and clients. It helps to set clear expectations regarding the scope of work and ensures that both parties are on the same page regarding the cleaning process.

6. Quality Assurance: With a checklist in place, cleaning professionals can conduct thorough inspections to ensure that all tasks have been completed to the desired standards. This helps to maintain consistency and quality in the cleaning service provided.

• If I m allergic or I have baby,older or pet in home?

- Our products never contain harsh chemicals and allow for a green, non-toxic, allergen-free cleaning experience. Heavy metals, dyes, suspected carcinogens and chlorine mutagens belong in a lab, not on your kitchen counter. You can feel better knowing that keeping your home clean, protecting your family, pets and the environment are always top of mind.

• Your Team have training?

- Professionally Trained Screened & Authorized to Work in the USA. We adhere to FDA sanitary standards in every procedure we make on and off site.

Thank you for choosing Cleaners Innovation Services.We appreciate your trust and look forward to serving you.

We also offer some of the most competitive rates in SWFL!

Call/text us today to book a free in-person post construction cleaning estimate.

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